Politicians Squabble While Children Go Hungry
I am asking for those with a heart, and a little extra income to consider helping to feed poor children in America. There are so many sweet little children going to bed hungry every night, and there must be a way to help more of these little innocents.
Many of us give to political campaigns. We feel that if we back our candidate they have a better chance of winning. This is true, but maybe it is time to back the Children of America: our greatest asset!
What piques me is that we have thousands and thousands of lower income families who have been unable to adequately feed their children this summer! I’m talking about families whose kids rely on school breakfast and/or school lunch during the school year. Some of these children even receive a bag of food to take home over the weekend to prevent hunger.
The food the kids get at school helps to fill a gap for so many poor families. These children come from hard-working blue collar and middle class families who are unable to cope with rising rents, inflation at the grocery store, and all the myriad expenses that come when raising children.
During the summer months these school relief programs are not running for the most part. We now have in America one in six kids, or even in some areas, one in five kids who go to bed hungry at night.
May I remind you that this is the United States of America! Except for years of the Great Depression, we have managed to keep most American children from going hungry. This should be a top priority!
And yet, this year in June, we spent 50 million dollars on a Senate race in Georgia. The Democrats spent 30 million and the Republicans spent 20 million. The Republicans won, but the children of America lost.
Since when is a political race more important than feeding our youngest and most vulnerable citizens?
Has everything gone topsy-turvy?! How can we turn our backs on our hungry kids? And pretend it is not happening, or that it is not our responsibility to try to help them!
If you would like to help these poor and hungry children, a great charity that operates in Appalachia is
“The Christian Appalachian Project”. These folks really help the impoverished families, children, and seniors of the 13 different counties that make up Appalachia. www.christianapp.org.
Another wonderful charity with a good track record is “Feed the Children”. www.feedthechildren.org.
Summer is winding down, and the kids are still hungry, and now there are back to school expenses coming up! How about making some good karma for yourself by helping out some of these underprivileged children and their families.
Donate to a local food bank. Support the children in your town that you know are hurting. If we all pitch in we can end childhood hunger. And we can help our children, the children of America, to have a healthier and happier future. It’s up to us. They’re counting on it.