Slow Down and Listen to God
In this modern secular age is there room for God? We rush about accomplishing this and that. Our lives are taken up with countless daily tasks and chores, leaving little time for reflection or for peace.
Materialism has become a god for many. We queue up for a day before Thanksgiving so that we can race into a Costco and buy huge appliances, gadgets and clothes. We overlook the beggar struggling on the corner who looks like he could use a hot meal or a friend.
In the race for success and fame are we leaving behind our humanity? Do we stop to greet our neighbor. Do we even know our neighbor? Do we leave room for our spirituality or for daily or weekly meditation or worship?
When I was little in the 1950’s my world was crystal clear. It could have been because of my young age, but I remember how clean the air was in Vancouver, and how much more civil our society was. People were polite to each other, and life was at a pace that was much slower. Most mothers didn’t work outside the home, and children had a sense of security knowing that their mom would be home after school with a snack and words of encouragement.
Wouldn’t it be great if we could save some time out of every busy week when we would slow down and enjoy our lives, our friends and our neighbors. It would give us hope, and it would bring a sense of peace and renewal. If enough of us did this – think of the slow pace of life in the Caribbean Islands – we could begin to heal our society.
God is found in the quiet moments, in the time we spend in solitude in nature. God is everywhere around us and in us. We just have to slow down and listen.