We are Praying for All Texans
As the President said yesterday at a conference in Austin, Texas, the Hurricane and the rains that came for days were “Epic”.
Natural disasters of this type, unprecendented and horrific, make us all realize what is really important in our lives.
The safety and security of our homes and of our loved ones is paramount. Friends, co-workers, neighbors and pets are in this category too!
We are grateful to Almighty God that the rains have stopped in Houston, and that most of the people there escaped the flooding with their lives and their pets.
We mourn those lives that were lost in this catastrophic storm.
We are very grateful for the first responders: police and fire-fighters, members of the armed forces, and for kind and caring neighbors who rescued folks from the disaster. We hope that these first responders and good Samaritans are able to get the rest that they need with reinforcements arriving daily in Texas.
Please know that you are all in our prayers. We are going to be praying for you all for a long time to come.
By the grace of God, we hope that the recovery period in Houston will be as short as possible. And we are extending our special prayers to all of the residents of Rockport and Richmond, Texas, who were the hardest hit by Hurricane Harvey.
No matter how bleak things might look at present – they will improve. We just want you all to know that all of us Americans are with you in Spirit. We know that you will all pull through this great trauma. God bless you all and keep you safe as you begin the clean-up and re-building.